Lisa Surihani menang.Nikita Willy kalah.

Mesti nak cakap tahniah Malaysia.Kita berjaya melumpuhkan Garuda.Dan ternyata Garuda bukan ini


sebenarnya hanyalah


sebab saya di sini menggunakan wifi tak boleh lah upload gambar.

Thought of sharing this,

The girl you just called fat.. She's on diet pills. The girl you just called ugly.. She spends hours putting makeup on hoping people will like her. The boy you just tripped.. He is abused enough at home. See the man with the ugly scars.. He fought for his country. The 14 year old girl with a kid, that you just called a slut... She got raped. That guy you just made fun of for crying.. His mother is dying. people have already enough sorrow to deal with,please don't give them anymore just cause you wana crack a joke!

Eh bukan sebab aku pembuli ok.

Eh hari ni Johor cuti.Hehehehe.

I'm coming home this weekend!!!


Kau setiap minggu nak balik.Insaflah weyh.

Salute kat Che.Walaupun banyak scandal,prestasi maintain.Bagus.Kurangkan kontroversi ya Mat.

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